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Arroz y tartana II (B. Ibáñez, 1894)

Exclusive collection of 10 ceramic plates

Work: Representation of the novel Arroz y tartana published in 1894.

Technique: Artistic ceramics

Author: J.M. Tos

Dimensions: 30x30cm

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Exclusive collection of 10 ceramic plates hand painted by master craftsman J.M. Tos representing some of the literary works of the Valencian writer Blasco Ibáñez.

Representation of a scene from the famous novel Arroz y tartana published in 1894. It is the author’s first novel of his series of stories based in Valencian customs and traditions, published in 1894. According to some critics, it is the most valuable of his work. It was originally written as a political leaflet for the republican newspaper El Pueblo, which was directed by Blasco Ibáñez himself, and later appeared as a book.

It narrates the downfall of a family belonging to the trading class of the end of the 19th century, targeting against a social class – the still incipient Spanish bourgeoisie- which on many occasions finds it difficult to find a place in a society marked by fossilized structures.

In 2003, José Antonio Escrivá directed a series for the National Spanish TV based on the novel. It starred Carmen Maura and José Sancho.

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